Echange SUEDE (Malmö) 2022-23-24

Echanges entre les élèves autour des stéréotypes

Par ANGELIQUE PICARD, publié le samedi 26 mars 2022 12:56 - Mis à jour le dimanche 10 avril 2022 20:59

Contenu des ateliers réalisés en classe:


In groups, discuss the stereotypes you had about France and Sweden before you interacted with students from each country…

Group A: Camille Cléa Lucy Sara, Daizy, Kateryna,  Andrey

(Sweden) Fika : when you eat something sweet before or after a meal like cinnamon roll

(France) berets

Group B: Arthur, Nadir, Morris, Matilda, Elouann

(Sweden) they drink a lot, e.g. Absolute vodka. Cold country

(France) cheese, raclette, frogs leg

Group C: Alya , Chloé , Maya, Aaliyah, Shadan, Rashin

- Croissant  : They thought that we eat it every morning , we told them that we eat it from time to time. We have talk about them about the American version of croissant,  but they weren't aware of it , only know that We can put chocolate sometimes in it.

- Cold weather : It's very rainy in this country , it' s cold most of the time but the temperature can climb to 22 degrees. Since Sweden Is a narrow country the weather varies a lot depending on where you are located.

Group D: Fred, Adam, Olga, Ester, Emmie

(Sweden) shy, no small talk, socialising isn’t a thing on public transport but is a big thing while FIKA


Padlet avec chaque compte rendu réalisé par les binômes franco-suédois: